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“What are consumer rights on food labelling?”

Sometime ago while researching for an article on choking hazards from tiny toys and toy parts, I came across a shocking phenomenon- in fact not one, but two. 1. That the poor, illiterate rural consumers were increasingly substituting healthy foods with unhealthy pre-packed savouries or snacks sold for Rs 5-10 a packet. And these were…

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7 Vital Steps for Success in Breastfeeding

In my column “ 7 Reasons Why Women Should Choose Breastfeeding”, I said that breastfeeding is a normal way to feed an infant and all alternatives are inferior. WHO and Government of India recommend that babies be breastfed within an hour of birth, provided skin to skin contact at birth, exclusively breastfed for the first six…

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7 Reasons Why Women Should Choose Breastfeeding

  Breastfeeding is a normal way to feed an infant.You must be wondering about feeding your baby while pregnant. I’m sure you are aware of the immense emotional benefit that breastfeeding provides to the newborn baby through skin-to-skin contact and mothers milk. This determines the overall development of your child. I am also sure you…

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स्तनपान से संबंधित समस्याओं का समाधान अब एक मोबाइल एप में

ब्रेस्टफीडिंग प्रमोशन नेटवर्क ऑफ़ इंडिया द्वारा 7 अगस्त 2020 को स्तनपान सुरक्षा मोबाइल एप को ऑनलाइन लॉन्च किया गया ! यह एप स्तनपान कराने वाली माताओं के लिए एक वरदान साबित होगा  और उन सभी माताओं के लिए मददगार रहेगा जिन्हें स्तनपान से संबंधित समस्याओं का सामना करना पड़ता है ! विश्व स्वास्थ्य संगठन (डब्ल्यू.एच.ओ,…

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Complementary feeding

Introduction Complementary feeding food refers to the food given to the child after 6 months of age to complement the breastfeeding. After 6 months of age, the breast milk does not suffice for the nutritional needs of the child. Therefore, his/ her needs are met by complementary feeding. Care must be taken that these food…

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Breastfeeding: What it is and why is it important?

Introduction Breastfeeding is the first form of nourishment that any child receives. Breastmilk is the first food which marks the nutrition journey of any human being and hence, it is very essential. It forms the basis for life-long good health. Breastfeeding provides all the three pillars that any baby requires: Nutrition, affection and protection. Colostrum…

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